Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, also known as BJJ, is a martial art that originated in Brazil in the early 20th century. It is a grappling-based combat sport that focuses on ground fighting techniques and submission holds. Unlike other martial arts that emphasize striking, BJJ focuses on taking your opponent to the ground and utilizing techniques like chokes, joint locks, and pressure to force them into submission.
BJJ is a highly technical and physically demanding martial art – and for good reason. It requires a lot of strength, agility, and flexibility which is perfect for those trying to lose weight. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a great form of exercise that can help anyone improve their overall fitness and build lean muscle mass. As a matter of fact, BJJ engages every muscle group of the body and its overall composition.
The Benefits of BJJ for Weight Loss and Fitness
The benefits of BJJ do not just lie in physical attributes, but also in the mental state of the body. It’s a martial art that promotes the release of endorphins, reduces stress, increases mindfulness, and boosts productivity – all of which promote weight loss.
The supportive community of BJJ is another benefit that can contribute to weight loss and fitness goals. This is because a healthy environment can help individuals stay committed to their daily routines and achieve success. Plus, the valuable self-defense skills to be learned are just the perfect opportunity to increase confidence.
How BJJ Helps You Burn Calories?
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a highly intensive and physically demanding sport, which requires a lot of energy and effort. This means that BJJ is an excellent way to burn calories and help you lose weight. In fact, it is estimated that a 150-pound person can burn up to 1000 calories during a 90-minute BJJ session.
Also, the constant movement and physical exertion of BJJ classes help to increase your metabolism, which in turn, causes your body to burn more calories even after class has ended. This is known as the fatburn effect which can significantly help to boost your weight loss efforts.
The Importance of Strength Training in BJJ
We believe that strength training is the foundation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as it requires a lot of strength – particularly in your upper body, legs, and core. Without the needed strength to execute BJJ training, you won’t be able to take different movements effectively.
When it comes to injury prevention, BJJ strength training is also important since it helps the muscles and their connective tissues to be stronger – which eventually reduces the risk of injury during training or competition.
The Cardiovascular Benefits of BJJ
The intensive workout routines of BJJ, including sparring sessions, drills, and technique training, require a lot of energy and oxygen, which in turn gets your heart rate up and helps you burn calories. BJJ can also improve your endurance and lung capacity, reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other related illnesses.
Take a look at the available classes of Activejiujitsu to get started today!