The Benefits of BJJ for Adults
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been gaining popularity in recent years, and many adults are turning to this martial art to get into shape and learn self-defense. In this blog, we’ll explore the many benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for adults and how it can help you unlock your true potential. What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & […]
Why BJJ is Useful for Self Defense?
Learning self-defense is a way to be safe and to protect your loved ones. Everyone should strive to learn how to defend themselves at some point. Learning self-defense is a way to be safe and to protect your loved ones. It also gives you a sense of empowerment and makes you feel strong and confident.While […]
What to Eat Before a Workout
Before diving into what to eat before a workout, it is important to know when to eat. For instance, eating a giant meal right before tumbling in a jiujitsu class may be a bad idea.Working out can take extensive energy, especially when your workout is a high-intensity Brazilian Jiujitsu class. During an Active Jiu Jitsu […]